Aerodrome Reporting and Works Safety Officer Theory

Started on February 14, 2025

Aerodrome Reporting and Works Safety Officer Theory Training

Oz Airports provides Aerodrome Reporting and Works Safety Officer theory training, in accordance with Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) AIC 139-13. The training provides the theory base that a new Aerodrome Reporting and Works Safety Officer requires, before specific “on the job” airport training detailed in the Aerodrome Manual. In the delivery of this training, we routinely support civil and military airport operators, and through the retraining of new staff to our business, ensure internal standardisation within the company.

Detailed and Convenient

The course is mapped from the AVI Aviation Training Package (AVISS00053 Aerodrome Reporting Officer Skill Set). The week long training courses are usually conducted on site at your airport and at times convenient to the airport operator.

Refresher Courses

Oz Airports also conducts refresher training designed to meet CASA currency recommendations for Aerodrome Reporting and Works Safety Officers. There is scope for this training to be significantly tailored in order to meet any operational deficiencies identified during aerodrome audits, to assist with preparations leading into a proposed airport upgrade or major works projects, or to address changes in airport regulations.